Emotions are not necessarily grounded in objective reality, and while they may reflect your personal experience, they do not necessarily represent universal truth. Each English translation of the Bible is a product of extensive translation and has been influenced by Western culture, resulting in a diluted interpretation of the history and culture of the melanated Hebrew people in the ToRaH. To gain a more accurate understanding, we must be willing to approach the scriptures with an open mind, set aside our emotional biases, and consider the perspective of the Hebrew people. Due to the pervasive influence of the Western mindset, the Hebrew ToRaH has often been misunderstood. This oversight has led many to adopt false beliefs, including misconceptions about names, images, prophets, symbols, customs, and unauthorized methods of worship – all of which were not commanded by the Heavenly Father YaHuWaH and did not originate with the Hebrew people described in the ToRaH (traditions of men).
That being said, it's widely recognized that the Christian New Testament contains numerous significant contradictions when compared to the Hebrew ToRaH (aka the Old Testament), upon which Christianity claims its foundation. It's important to note that the Hebrew ToRaH does not command the ancient Hebrews, as described, to establish a formal religion or to worship the Creator YaHuWaH using pagan customs. Unbiased and in-depth research reveals a wealth of evidence that challenges the legitimacy of Christianity. Historical investigations uncover that the pagan Roman Catholic Church, during the Council of Nicaea, gave rise to multiple variations of a solar/sun-worship-based religion known as Astrolatry, which revolved around the movements of the sun and stars. Christianity emerged as the most dominant form within this framework and continues to hold a prominent position today. This historical context explains why various cultures have worshipped multiple gods, saviors, or figures akin to Jesus, often regarded as demigods, who were believed to be the offspring of deities and mortals. This might sound familiar to some.
Having undertaken years of dedicated, impartial research of the Hebrew ToRaH and Christian New Testament, the intention behind this information is to serve as a foundational point or initial step for individuals embarking on their quest for truth. We make no claims to possess exhaustive knowledge, but as we allocate time to study the Hebrew ToRaH, we evolve and are guided by YaHuWaH ToRaH (instructions) and not those whose words contradict the ToRaH. It is imperative to conduct your own unbiased research and verify any assertions made by others. Resist the impulse to respond emotionally; instead, scrutinize Hebrew ToRaH (the foundation) against the claims of the Christian New Testament through your independent research to ascertain the factual basis. It's entirely acceptable to hold differing opinions, but employing one's subjective viewpoint or emotions to challenge established facts proves futile.
The same principle applies to the Hebrew ToRaH, and when we try to grasp Hebrew culture through our ingrained Christian Western perspective, most people tend to rely on their personal comprehension because it aligns with their feelings (referencing MaShaL 3:5-6 from "Proverbs"). However, when we neglect the effort to delve into the commands of YaHuWaH (through humility, studying of the ToRaH, and readiness to unlearn inherited falsehoods), we might inadvertently misrepresent the truth and suggest that ALuWaH (the "Mighty One," typically translated to the generic term "God" in English) endorses our opinions and emotions.
Concerning the Hebrew ToRaH, when someone's viewpoint is supported by the ToRaH, it transitions from mere opinion to a substantiated fact. If YaHuWaH has stated or done something, who are we to contest it (as highlighted in YaShAYaHuW 55:8-13, "Isaiah")? When disagreeing with the word of YaHuWaH, you must rely on and explain the ToRaH, not rely on personal opinion, emotions, or the words of those who contradict the ToRaH.
Before anyone delves into the Bible, it's essential to grasp the primary foundational truth about these scriptures. The Hebrew ToRaH is the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob YaHuWaH's instructions to HIS chosen people the Israelites, NOT Christians. This pivotal fact levels the playing field and equips our rational minds to distinguish between the Creator’s opinion and various falsehoods added or removed to HIS opinions. As the ToRaH states in YaRaMiYaHuW 29:13 (Jeremiah), "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with ALL YOUR HEART". This implies a wholehearted commitment, emphasizing the need for us to engage with all of our hearts, rather than selectively reserving a portion for what we personally wish to be true. The information presented on this website is the direct outcome of years of diligent, unwavering research that has been free from personal bias, verification that extends beyond conventional educational frameworks, and extensive dialogues with individuals, including pastors, ex-pastors, and those with substantial religious experience.
The Hebrew ToRaH is a Hebraic text that pertains to their culture, not a European or Latin (or any other). Over time, this narrative underwent extensive translation by the Roman Catholic Empire, a pagan entity, resulting in the formation of what we now recognize as the Westernized Bible. These substantial modifications were made to align with their own pagan storyline and their newly developed organized religion, known as Christianity. These mandated pagan ideologies and traditions were subsequently imposed on diverse races conquered by the Romans, effectively establishing their religion as a worldwide super religion force (2.4 billion as of 2021). This ongoing, deceptive manipulation (illusory truth effect), akin to subliminal brainwashing, has unfortunately beguiled people worldwide, leading them to embrace a falsehood.
When you take the time for unbiased study and research of "the Western Bible," you will discover that numerous English words employed in all translated versions carry pagan connotations to various gods (such as theLORD, God, Christ, Jesus, glory, just to name a few). This is entirely logical considering that history teaches us that the Roman Catholic Empire a polycystic race had pagan roots and worshipped multiple deities.
It doesn't require a quantum physicist to comprehend that when words or names are translated from one language to another, there is a potential for information to be lost or added. In the case of the Hebrew Scriptures, they were translated into English, rather than transliterated (which focuses on preserving sound), resulting in the loss of the pure meaning behind the Hebrew words and names. This act goes against a clear warning in the ToRaH, and rightly so, as it involves altering the historical narrative of a people by replacing truth with falsehood (referencing DaBaRiYM 4:2 and 12:32, "Deuteronomy").
The ToRaH encourages us in MaShaL 4:7 (Proverbs) to prioritize understanding by diligently researching all sides of any story. It also highlights that a lack of interest in understanding characterizes a fool, who is more inclined to hear their own opinions echoed by others, as expressed in MaShaL 18:2-3 (Proverbs). The highest form of ignorance is to dismiss or emotionally react to information about which one has no knowledge. This wisdom also pertains to information that may challenge prevailing beliefs or personal convictions.
The ToRaH consistently underscores the folly of responding to a matter without a full understanding, as emphasized in MaShaL 18:12-15 (Proverbs). Much like trying to complete a puzzle without all its pieces, it's unwise because it leads to an inaccurate perception of the puzzle's true image. Let us not allow ignorance, jealousy, or pride to make us reject truth due to emotional reactions or the perpetuation of traditions handed down through generations, often stemming from the pagan Roman Catholic and Christian church systems. Our role as defenders of YaHuWaH’s ToRaH is to share the ToRaH, not to impose our trust in it on others (as it is their choice). We are not seeking to shape your thinking into what we think; rather, our hope is to inspire independent thought by studying the Hebrew ToRaH (the Creators instructions).
Five hundred years ago, the letter "J" did not exist in any language worldwide, making it impossible for names like "Jesus" or "JeHoVaH" to have been present in ancient times. The letter "J" is a relatively recent addition to the alphabet, emerging around the 1500s, as corroborated by unbiased research and historical records.
Originally, it was a Phoenician pictogram symbolizing a leg with a hand, signifying a sound akin to the "Y" in "yes." Subsequently, Semitic groups incorporated an "i" to describe the word "arm," which, in Semitic languages, initiated with a "J" while retaining the same "Y" sound found in "yes." Gian Giorgio Trissino, an Italian Renaissance grammarian referred to as the father of the letter "J," played a pivotal role in its development.
In 1524, Gian Trissino made a clear distinction between two sounds, particularly the soft "J" sound as in "jam." Trissino's work is significant to understand because he identified the Greek "IESUS" (a translation of the Aramaic "YeShuWA" H3443) as the Modern English "Jesus," thus marking the birth of the current phoneme for the letter "J."
Those of us who seek the truth have no fear of facts or the information we may uncover. We embrace knowledge and relentlessly pursue the truth. We understand that the Western Bible is supposed to be based on the Hebrew ToRaH and should reflect the Hebrew culture. However, upon deeper scrutiny, the Western Bible has traversed various languages through translation. As a consequence of these translations, the pure Hebraic truth, history, significance, identity, and lineage contained within the Hebrew ToRaH have been skewed and gradually erased. It's vital to note that in the original 22 Hebrew consonants/letters, there was never a consonant/letter "J," and even in modern Hebrew, the letters "J," "O," "F," and "E" are still absent.
Even in the 1611 edition of the KJV Bible, you won't find a single letter "J." Why? Simply because, once again, the letter "J" did not exist during that era. Pastors may assert that their Christian savior's name has always been Jesus, but if that were true, it should be supported by the Hebrew ToRaH (their supposed foundation), right? Wrong! You won't encounter the name Jesus in the KJV 1611 Bible or in any books published during the 1500s. This is because, once more, the letter "J" was non-existent.
In 1537, a partial translation of the Bible into English by William Tyndale was published, which would later be integrated into the King James Bible. The first English-language book that clearly distinguished between the sounds of "I" and "J" didn't emerge until 1634 (Ref). Research reveals that the letter "J" was the final addition to the English alphabet, with its distinct usage tracing back to Middle High German, where it initially served as a typographical embellishment or swash character applied to the Roman "i."
Some pastors in America have conveyed that we (WOTR) don't speak Hebrew and that knowing Hebrew is not a matter of importance. Therefore, they caution us to be mindful of what we say and share with others. Many pastors staunchly adhere to the Latin name Jesus. In response, you might kindly ask them, "Pastor, do you speak Latin?"
Pastors often discourage individuals from studying Western Bibles from the Hebrew ToRaH because, unknowingly, they've committed to perpetuating the falsehoods and deceptions of the mainstream church system (Roman Catholic). They fear that if you begin validating The Hebrew ToRaH against the Christian New Testament (ex: Isaiah 45:5-7), they know people will immediately begin exiting the church and Christianity. This awakening would mean that fewer individuals would be contributing financially to support their lavish lifestyles, including big mortgages, luxury cars, worldly status, vacations, and their children's college funds.
What some people might not fully grasp is that you don't need to be a Hebrew scholar or a pastor who went to years of seminary school to comprehend the Bible. Basic knowledge of the Hebrew ToRaH is key. Understanding how the Hebrew people used their original Semitic vowels, knowing the sounds these pure vowels represented, what grammatical rules they followed, and, most crucially, the meanings of these words can be incredibly enlightening. This knowledge can help you decipher the genuine intent behind the Creator YaHuWaH’s ToRaH (or instructions/laws/commandments), stripping away confusion, personal perspectives, ideological/theological beliefs, translations, and varying contractions to the ToRaH.
If you belong to a melanated ethnicity, whether you identify as Negro, Mexican, Hawaiian, Spanish, Indian, or any nationality of color, English is not your native language, nor was it the original language of the world in ancient times. It's a fact to keep in mind that people in ancient times were not conversing in English. For instance, consider the so-called "Indians/Mexicans"; although they came to speak Spanish, it's essential to note that they did not originate from Spain. They were conquered by the Spaniards and compelled to adopt a different language.
Historical research informs us that the original black Indians (later labeled as Negro and Colored) spoke a dialect of Hebrew. The same applies to the NEGRO people who, during slavery, were coerced into forsaking their native tongue, the true name of their god יהוה YHWH or "YaHuWaH" ALuWHiYM (mighty one, or "god" in English), and were obliged to learn English while embracing the European-created pagan religion of Christianity. This religion was devised to maintain spiritual and mental subjugation. These are crucial considerations that people should contemplate and indeed questions they should pose to their pastors.
FACTS 11, 16 and 17 are taken from the book “103 Amazing Facts About the Black Indian of the Western Hemisphere“ near the bottom of the “Thanksgiving” page on our website.
Many individuals place their trust in pastors, whom they hold in high esteem. However, it's important to recognize that the majority of pastors, especially among those of color, may either willingly or unknowingly lack in-depth knowledge and may be more focused on acquiring material wealth. The question to consider is, do you want to risk entrusting your soul to a pastor who may not be dedicated to imparting the REAL truth? To ascertain the truth, it's imperative to engage in direct dialogue with the pastor, as your spiritual well-being is at stake.
Some pastors have conveyed the message that "We don't speak Hebrew here in America, so stop trying to tell people they need to learn Hebrew." This perspective reflects a lost opportunity for understanding and represents one of the drawbacks of certain church and religious practices. This is because these institutions, especially within the framework of the pagan religion of Christianity, have the potential to foster aversion to the truth and to the genuine Hebrew name of the Heavenly Father, YaHuWaH.
Within these religious settings, people are often conditioned to believe that titles such as "LORD" and "God" constitute names, which can be particularly harmful to individuals of color. Christianity, in this context, can be viewed as a tool designed to control and condition people of color to disconnect from their true heritage, forget the identity of their ALuWHiYM (mighty one), and venerate a false, created European image with an inaccurate name. If you doubt this, try sharing this truth with someone within the church system, and observe the reactions you receive.
Here are just a few Hebrew words people speak on a regular basis here in America (ex: Hallelujah which is "HaLaL YaH", Emmanuel which is "AMaNuWAL", Amen which is "AMaN", Babel which is "BaBaL", Bethal which is "BiYThAL", Samuel which is "ShaMuWAL", Satan which is ShaTaN, etc.) This goes to show the pure ignorance of the majority of CHRISTIANS and the pastors that they choose to sit under.
Amen- H539 - אמן (these Hebrew letters "אמן" transliterated into English consonants is "NMA " or "AMaN")
Phonetic Spelling: ä·mān'
Transliteration: 'aman
Meaning: to support, confirm, be faithful
From: H539
`Immanuw'el - H6005 - עמנואל - (these Hebrew letters "עמנואל" transliterated into English consonants is "LAWNMA" or "AMaNuWAL")
Phonetic Spelling: im·mä·nü·āl'
Transliteration: Immanuwel
Meaning: "with us is ALuWHiYM"
From עִם (H5973) and אֵל (H410)
Babel - H894 בבל - (these Hebrew letters "בבל" transliterated into English consonants "LBB" or "BaBaL")
Phonetic Spelling: bä·bel'
Transliteration: Babal
Meaning: "Babel or Babylon = confusion (by mixing)"
From בָּלל (H1101)
Bathel - H1008 בית־אל - (these Hebrew letters "בית־אל" transliterated into English consonants "LTYB" or "BiYTh-AL")
Phonetic Spelling: Beyth-'El
Transliteration: bāth·āl'
Meaning: "house of AL"
From (H1004) and (H410)
Greek - Hallelouia (G239), English - Hallelujah, Hebrew - "HaLaL YaH"
HaLaL - H1984 - הלל (in Hebrew the letters "הלל" transliterated into English consonants"LLH" or "HaLaL")
Phonetic Spelling: (haw-lal')
Transliteration: halal
Meaning: "praise, give glory, to boast, celebrate"
Shĕmuw'el - H8050 - שמואל (in Hebrew the letters "שמואל" transliterated into English consonants "LAWMS" or "ShaMuWAL")
Phonetic Spelling: Shamuw'al
Transliteration: Shĕmuw'el
Meaning: "His name is AL" AL (H410) meaning mighty, powerful, strength
From the pass part of שמע (H8085) and אֵל (H410)
King James I of England, also known as James VI of Scotland, was a monarch who ruled Scotland from 1567 to 1625 and England and Ireland from 1603 to 1625. He is best known for commissioning the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, one of the most influential and widely read translations of the Bible in the English-speaking world.
Key Points about King James:
Early Life: James was born in 1566 and became James VI of Scotland at just 13 months old after his mother, Mary, Queen of Scots, was forced to abdicate.
Union of the Crowns: In 1603, following the death of Queen Elizabeth I, James inherited the English throne, uniting the crowns of Scotland and England.
King James Bible: In 1604, King James I authorized a new translation of the Bible in English, which was completed in 1611. This translation aimed to be more accurate and accessible than previous ones and was intended to unify religious practices across his kingdoms.
Political and Religious Context: James's reign was marked by efforts to unify and stabilize his realms, navigating religious tensions between Catholics and Protestants, and establishing a stronger sense of centralized authority.
Literary Patronage: Beyond the Bible, James I was a patron of the arts and literature. His court was a center of cultural and intellectual activity.
Legacy: The King James Version of the Bible remains a monumental work in English literature, celebrated for its majestic prose and profound impact on English-speaking Christianity and culture.
King James I's commissioning of the KJV was part of his broader efforts to consolidate his rule and promote religious uniformity. The KJV's enduring popularity is a testament to his influence on the religious and cultural life of the English-speaking world.
the King James Bible 1611
Notice the inside cover has the Heavenly Father’s true name יהוה “YaHuWaH”. We are commanded NOT to add or take away from the scriptures, and yet it reads that “his majesty” commanded that this bible be specially translated.
Observe the inner cover, where the true name of the Heavenly Father, יהוה "YaHuWaH," is inscribed. It's essential to remember that we are instructed not to alter or omit anything from the scriptures. Nevertheless, it reads that “his majesty” commanded that this bible be specially translated.
DaBaRiYM 4:2, 12:32, “Deuteronomy” and MaShaL 30:5-6 “Proverbs”
The King Iames (James) Year 1613
The Geneva Bible, which was published in 1615, followed the King James Bible, released in 1611. The King James Bible quickly supplanted other versions due to its superior craftsmanship and the endorsement of King James I of England.
Notice that there is NO Letter "J"
William Tyndale's translation stands as the first English Bible to directly reference Hebrew and Greek texts. Subsequent English Bible translations used Tyndale's work as a basis, and English Protestant Reformers favored translating YaHuWaH's name as JeHoVaH. Tyndale received his education at the University of Oxford and took on a role as an instructor at the University of Cambridge. In 1521, he found himself in the company of humanist scholars gathering at the White Horse Inn. It was during this time that Tyndale became convinced that the Bible should be the sole authority for shaping the practices and doctrines of the church, and that every believer should have access to the Bible in their own language.
When the church authorities in England obstructed his efforts to translate the Bible within the country, he ventured to Germany in 1524, with the financial backing of affluent London merchants. His translation of the New Testament was finalized in July 1525 and printed in Cologne. However, Catholic authorities subsequently suppressed it in Worms. The initial copies reached England in 1526. Tyndale commenced work on an Old Testament translation but was apprehended in Antwerp before he could complete it. Tragically, he met his end through execution at Vilvoorde in 1536.
At the time of his passing, several thousand copies of his New Testament had been printed; however, today, only one intact copy remains, preserved at London's British Library. As the initial vernacular English text of any Bible segment to be published in this manner, Tyndale's version laid the foundation for most subsequent English translations, including the King James Version of 1611.
It is evident that William Tyndale had access to the original Hebrew ToRaH but opted to employ the pagan titles "LORD/God" (instead of YaHuWaH in more than 6,000 instances) and the false Latin name "Jesus" (as an imposter to the coming branch of Jesse mentioned in ZaChaRiYaHuW 6:11-13 "Zechariah" and YaShAYaHuW 11:1-16 "Isaiah") in the English version. This highlights that William Tyndale's translation of the Hebrew ToRaH into the English Bible may not have fully aligned with the truth.
The King Iames Year 1611 Bible Chapter Names
Notice that there is NO Letter "J"
The name "Jesus" is essentially a combination or construct derived from the Aramaic "YeShuWA," with "Joshua" originating from the Greek translation "Yĕhowshuwa" (YaHuWShuWA) H3091. When the Greeks translated "Joshua," they presented it as "IESOUS." Interestingly, all the letters in the name "IESOUS" exist in the English language and can be pronounced with ease. So, the question arises: why did they find it necessary to replace the letter "I" with "J," omit the "O," and further modify "IESOUS" to "Jesus"? It's worth noting the resemblance between the Greek name "IESOUS" and the name of the pagan deity, "ZEUS."
Yĕhuwdah - H3063 - יהודה (these Hebrew letters "יהודה" transliterated into English consonants "HDWHY" or "YaHuWDaH")
Phonetic Spelling: yeh·hü·dä'
Transliteration: Yĕhuwdah
Meaning: "praised, the tribe descended from Judah, the territory occupied by the tribe of Judah"
Remember there was NO letter J, and when we add BACK IN the pure Semitic vowels and their sounds to YeHuWDaH, you get YaHuWDaH
The etymology of words reveals that in English, terms originating from Hebrew that include the letter "J" were initially symbolized by the Hebrew character known as the "Yod." Therefore, the "J" was originally represented by the letter "Y" or in ancient Hebrew, "Yad."
Names that start with J
In the Hungarian name "Janos," spelled with the letter "J," it's pronounced as "YaH-nosh." With more extensive exploration, it becomes evident that "Janos" can be traced back to the Greek "John," which, in turn, has its roots in the pure Hebrew origin "YaHuWChaNaN" H3076, signifying "YaHuWaH has graced." As we've consistently emphasized, every element has an origin, and no matter how much individuals may resist the truth, its presence has always endured.
English, back to Latin, back to the Greek, then back to its Hebrew origins
Based on recorded evidence, here is a general list of some of the oldest known languages to the newest:
Sumerian: Dating back to the 4th millennium BCE, Sumerian is one of the oldest known written languages, used in ancient Mesopotamia.
Ancient Egyptian: Hieroglyphic inscriptions date back to around 3200 BCE, making Ancient Egyptian one of the oldest recorded languages.
Akkadian: Akkadian, an ancient Semitic language, dates back to the 3rd millennium BCE. It was used in Mesopotamia alongside Sumerian.
Old Elamite: Old Elamite, used in ancient Iran, dates back to around the 3rd millennium BCE.
Proto-Elamite: Proto-Elamite is one of the earliest known writing systems, dating back to the 4th millennium BCE.
Hittite: Hittite is an ancient Indo-European language that was used in the Hittite Empire of Anatolia (modern-day Turkey) from the 17th to 12th centuries BCE.
Phoenician: Phoenician, a Canaanite language, was used by the ancient Phoenician civilization and dates back to the 11th century BCE.
Hebrew: Hebrew has a recorded history dating back to ancient times, with written records found in inscriptions and texts such as the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). The earliest Hebrew inscriptions date to around the 10th century BCE.
Aramaic: Aramaic is another ancient Semitic language with a long history of written records. It was widely used as a lingua franca in the ancient Near East and has been found in inscriptions dating back to the 10th century BCE.
Old Persian: Old Persian is the earliest attested form of Persian, an Indo-European language spoken in ancient Persia (modern-day Iran). Inscriptions in Old Persian date back to the Achaemenid Empire of the 6th century BCE.
Ancient Greek: Ancient Greek writing dates back to the 8th century BCE with the earliest surviving examples found on pottery and inscriptions.
Latin: Latin, the ancestor of the Romance languages, was used in ancient Rome and dates back to the 6th century BCE with the earliest known inscriptions.
Sanskrit: Sanskrit, an ancient Indo-European language of India, has written records dating back to around the 2nd millennium BCE.
It's important to note that the above list provides a general chronological order based on recorded evidence, but the actual dates and ages may vary depending on the specific contexts and regions. Additionally, new archaeological discoveries and advancements in decipherment may lead to revisions in our understanding of the timeline of recorded languages.
Hebrew / Phoenician or Paleo to Greek to Latin then to English
Valid sources for information on the history of the letter "J" include:
Scholarly Books: Books on the history of language or the development of the Latin alphabet may discuss the evolution of the letter "J." Examples include "The Story of Writing: Alphabets, Hieroglyphs & Pictograms" by Andrew Robinson and "The Alphabet: A Key to the History of Mankind" by David Sacks.
Academic Journals: Linguistics and language history journals may contain articles on the development of the Latin alphabet and the emergence of the letter "J." Journals such as "Language," "Journal of Linguistics," or "Journal of the International Phonetic Association" may have relevant articles.
Online Databases: Websites such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, or academic library databases can provide access to scholarly articles and papers on the history of language and writing systems.
Jesus Will Not Save You
What the Creator established in the Hebrew ToRaH, dismantles all the embedded misconceptions found in the Westernized, English-translated Christian Bibles. Tovia Singer explains that the Creator’s perspective challenges the notion that Jesus can serve as your savior.
Dr. John Berkeley calls on the false name YaHWeH
Although Dr. John Berkeley calls on the false name YaHWeH (which was a popular discovery back then), he is dead on the money. The letter J never existed and the savior’s name was NEVER Jesus.
Unlearn, Deprogram, and Re-think EVERYTHING you were taught!
We don't claim to be self-professed prophets, teachers, leaders, or mentors, and we're not part of any clique, sect, or recruitment center. The resources mentioned on our website and YouTube channel, such as Strong's Concordance, Encyclopedia Britannica, the dictionary, word etymology, etc., serve as tools for a broader perspective. Nonetheless, our ultimate trust remains in the unchanging ToRaH of the Creator and God of Israel. We always encourage everyone to measure all opinions against the unchanging ToRaH of the Creator and God of Israel.
There is no commandment in the Hebrew ToRaH from the God of Israel stating that all Israelites must pray through someone to commune with Him. Instead, the Hebrew TaNaKh emphasizes direct communication between individuals and YaHuWaH, without the need for intermediaries.
BaT DaBaR 7:14 “2 Chronicles” Hebrew TaNaKh
14 When my people, who bear MY NAME humble themselves, pray, and seek my favor and TURN from their evil ways; I will hear in my heavenly abode, and FORGIVE their sins, and will heal their land.
MaKhiYaH 6:8 “Micah”
8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth YaHuWaH require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy ALuWaH?
ZaMaR 119:10-11 “Psalm”
10 With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.
11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.