Flavius Valerius Constantinus

A pagan worshiper of the sun god “Sol Invictus” and was the First Roman emperor to profess Christianity. He convoked the Council of Nicaea and forced bishops to participate in sacrifice to the traditional Roman gods or die.

Constantine, the Roman Emperor, is credited with establishing the organized Babylonian, pagan, sun-worshipping religion known as Christianity. It may come as a surprise that every English Bible is a heavily translated and significantly Westernized rendition of the historical and cultural heritage of the melanated Hebrew people. Without an open mind and the willingness to step back from emotional biases, the Hebrew ToRaH is often misinterpreted through the lens of a conditioned Western mindset. This misinterpretation has led to the widespread belief in false ideologies, names, images, symbols, customs, and modes of worship (traditions of men) that were never mandated by the Creator YaHuWaH and did not originate with the Hebrew people depicted in the ToRaH.

Furthermore, it's worth noting that the Christian New Testament contains several contradictions with the Hebrew ToRaH, despite Christianity's reliance on the latter. The Hebrew ToRaH (aka Old Testament) does not advocate for the establishment of a formal religion, which distinguishes it from the organized structure of Christianity. In light of these facts, deep and unbiased research reveals significant challenges to the foundation of Christianity.

Before embarking on a journey to comprehend the scriptures, it is essential to establish the foundation of facts. The facts presented on this website are the culmination of 12+ years of meticulous and dedicated research, which involved independent validation outside conventional educational paradigms and comprehensive discussions with individuals who possess extensive knowledge of religion, including Christianity.

This information is intended to serve as a starting point or stepping stone for anyone commencing their quest for truth. It's crucial to recognize that we don't assert absolute knowledge. Instead, we acknowledge that our understanding evolves as we devote time to seeking guidance from the Creator, YaHuWaH. We encourage you to conduct your own unbiased research and scrutinize everything you encounter. Resist the temptation to respond emotionally and, instead, engage in a thoughtful exploration of the truth to ascertain the facts. It's perfectly acceptable to have differing viewpoints, but disputing facts based on personal opinions or emotions is an unproductive endeavor.

The same principle applies to the Hebrew ToRaH, and when people attempt to grasp YaHuWaH’s instructions using their ingrained Christian Westernized mindset, many tend to rely on their individual understanding because it resonates with them (MaShaL 3:5-6, "Proverbs"). If we neglect the effort to comprehend the mind of ABa YaHuWaH (through humility and study of the Hebrew ToRaH in its proper context), we may inadvertently challenge the ToRaH and assert that YaHuWaH ALuWaH (the Mighty One, but often translated as the generic title "God" in English) endorses our opinions and emotions.

Concerning YaHuWaH’s ToRaH, when someone's perspective aligns with the ToRaH, it transcends opinion and becomes a factual representation. If YaHuWaH has stated or enacted something, who are we to contest it (YaShAYaHuW 55:8-13, "Isaiah")? When disputing YaHuWaH's word, it's essential to employ and substantiate your argument with the ToRaH rather than relying on personal opinion, emotion, or altered versions of the Creators ToRaH.

The Hebrew ToRaH constitutes a book rooted in specifically the culture of the Hebrew people, rather than being of European or Latin origin. Subsequently, their narrative underwent extensive translation by the pagan Roman Catholic Empire, giving rise to the version of the Westernized Bible recognized worldwide today. These translations were significantly influenced by the paganism inherent in the Roman narrative and the development of their organized religion, known as Christianity. The Roman Empire, having imposed its decreed pagan ideologies and traditions on the various races it subjugated, succeeded in establishing its religion as a dominant worldwide force (2.3 billion). This persistent influence, akin to an illusory truth effect, has led to the widespread acceptance of a distorted version of reality (via subliminal brainwashing).

That's why when you invest time in conducting impartial study and research of the Westernized translated Bible, you'll discover that several English words used in the Bible carry associations with various pagan deities (such as the LORD, God, Christ, Jesus, glory, to name a few). It's not a complex concept to grasp that during the translation of words or names from one language to another, nuances can be lost or added. The Hebrew ToRaH has undergone translation (not transliteration, which captures the phonetics), from the Hebrew language to English, leading to the loss of the original meaning behind Hebrew words and names. Such an alteration is warned against in scripture, and rightly so. It essentially erases the truth while introducing falsehoods (see DaBaRiYM 4:2 and 12:32 in Deuteronomy, as well as MaShaL 30:5-6 in Proverbs). It's important to note that residing in an English-speaking country like America doesn't grant anyone the right to disregard or show disrespect to the cultural heritage of a Hebraic nation.

Many individuals turn to preachers and Christian scholars who have obtained degrees and theological qualifications in Christian studies. While these scholars possess knowledge, they often impart teachings that reflect the opinions, interpretations, and ideologies rooted in the perspective of the pagan Roman Catholic Empire. It's essential to recognize that these highly regarded figures may have been trained to disseminate biblical information inaccurately, influenced by the views of the Roman Catholic Empire. This might seem like a bold assertion, but it's important to consider. In today's information age, the truth is readily accessible through tools like smartphones, tablets, computers, and libraries. Therefore, ignorance is ultimately a matter of choice.

The wisdom in the ToRaH, as found in MaShaL 4:7 (Proverbs), emphasizes the importance of seeking understanding as a first step, urging us to dedicate time to thoroughly investigate all facets of any issue. Conversely, it cautions against the folly of individuals who lack the inclination to understand and instead desire to hear their own opinions echoed by others, as observed in MaShaL 18:2-3 ("Proverbs"). A fundamental facet of wisdom is to refrain from hastily reacting to information for which we possess no knowledge, especially when such reactions are driven by emotion.

The ToRaH reminds us in MaShaL 18:12-15 (Proverbs), of the folly in forming conclusions without a complete understanding of the matter at hand. It likens this approach to attempting to assemble a puzzle with missing pieces, which inevitably leads to distorted perceptions of the true picture. Beware of allowing ignorance, jealousy, or pride to be a barrier to the truth. Such consequences arise when you opt to reject the truth due to emotional reactions or the perpetuation of human traditions, particularly those inherited from the pagan Roman Catholic or Christian church system, passed down through generations. Our responsibility as witnesses of YaHuWaH is not to impose our beliefs on others but to encourage independent thought. We seek not to make you conform to our perspective but to foster your own intellectual journey based on YaHuWaH’s ToRaH.


the sun god NOT the son of YaHuWaH

the sun god NOT the son of YaHuWaH

Unlike the melanated monotheistic Hebrew people in the ToRaH, the polytheistic Roman Catholic Empire edited and revised the Hebrew scriptures, now known as the Western Bible, to align with their newly introduced, pagan-influenced religion called Christianity. We know adding or removing from the ToRaH is forbidden, rightfully so because this often mixes Hebraic truths with Westernized falsehoods. Since Christianity boasts that their New Testament fulfills the Hebrew ToRaH, we must examine every claim made in the Christian New Testament against the established and unchanging word of the Creator in the Hebrew ToRaH. We must now separate genuine truth and instruction of the Creator from falsehood. If we claim we trust the Creator’s words, it means adhering to the entire ToRaH, not just the parts that make us comfortable. This necessitates the willingness to unlearn the teachings of the paganized Christian churches. We must first understand that the Hebrew ToRaH focuses on the Hebrew people and their relationship with their mighty one, YaHuWaH, which is fundamentally distinct from European Christian culture and theology.

When we delve into the origins of the term "Christianity," it becomes apparent that this was never a term originating from the Hebrew culture. Unbiased research reveals that Christianity is fundamentally a Roman Catholic religion, distinct from the Hebraic lifestyle. This religion revolves around believing in and following Jesus Christ (NOT YaHuWaH’s ToRaH), a concept first introduced in the 14th century. Many argue that Jesus (YaHuWShuWA, YaHaWaShi, YeShuWA, etc.) also followed the ToRaH, which may be true. However, this Christian New Testament messiah also changed and contradicted the ToRaH on many occasions. The concept of Jesus being referred to as the "Son of God" in Christian theology is a vast contrast to the Creator establishing that the nation of Israel is HIS "firstborn" in the Hebrew ToRaH. A close examination of the Hebrew ToRaH and the Christian New Testament reveals that they represent two separate narratives and distinct cultures.

In Christian theology, the belief in Jesus as the "Son of God" is based on the New Testament, which is not part of the Hebrew ToRaH. Christians believe that Jesus is the second person of the Holy Trinity, and this belief forms the foundation of Christian faith. On the other hand, the Hebrew ToRaH includes prophecies and references to a future Messiah but doesn't explicitly depict Jesus (YaHuWShuWA, YaHaWaShi, YeShuWA, etc.) as that messiah or that he is the "Son of God" in a manner akin to the Christian New Testament. It's essential to recognize that the interpretation, comprehension, and teaching of concepts from the Hebrew ToRaH and the Christian New Testament can diverge substantially between religions. This is why we (WOTR) claim NO religion and as they are all man-made and pull people away from the Creators ToRaH (Deuteronomy 13:6-18).

The people in the Hebrew ToRaH did not adhere to any particular religion, however they did follow the ToRaH. Furthermorew, because of Deuteronomy 13:6-18 they would never follow the figure referred to as Jesus if he existed in the Hebrew ToRaH. The Israelite lifestyle and culture were later expropriated and relabeled as Christian, while their mighty one, YaHuWaH, was disobediently renamed as God or the LORD by the Roman Catholic Empire. The core objective of religion is often control, capitalizing on the ignorance of those who opt to blindly conform without questioning the reasons why. Scholars argue that religion, throughout history, has been used as a means of social control, offering moral and ethical guidelines for behavior and fostering a sense of community. Many people find meaning, purpose, and a sense of belonging in their religious faith, and religious traditions have contributed to cultural and social development in numerous ways.

Religion encourages adherents to adopt the traditions of their forefathers without empowering them to foster their own authentic relationship with the true Creator, YaHuWaH. For many among the melanated races, religion inadvertently fosters an aversion to their genuine heritage, leading them to proudly discard the true name of their Creator, YaHuWaH, in favor of arbitrary titles such as god or the LORD. Additionally, it substitutes the identity of YiSRAL (Israel) with that of their Christin New Testament messiah, represented as Jesus or under various denominational / sect / clicks variations like YeShuWA, Yahshua, YaHuWShuWA, YaHaWaShi, among others. It's important to recognize that truth transcends religious boundaries and is devoid of hidden agendas.

Let's examine the English term "Christianity" by referring to Webster's dictionary and its etymology to gain insights into its origin.


Once, again unbiased research to find truth tells us that Christianity was first known in the 14 century. Here are a few historic events that happened in the 14th century.

1299: Founding of Ottoman Empire

1309-1377: Papacy transferred from Rome to Avignon, France

1320: Reunification of Poland

1327: Edward III becomes King of England

1328: Phillipe VI ascends throne ignoring Edward III´s rightful claims

1337: Edward claims the French throne, and the Hundred Year War begins

1347: Plague strikes Sicily

1348: France struck by the Black Death in January;  England in August

1357: The Scottish win the second War of Independence against England

1360: Recurrence of the Plague

1369: Recurrence of the Plague

1381: Peasant´s Revolt in England

1400: Renaissance in Italy

All these historic European events took place well after the man Jesus died. This once again proves that the melanated people of the scriptures were NEVER called Christians and NEVER claimed or has a religion. Organized religion is Western culture.



Flavius Valerius Constantinus, also known as "Constantine the Great," served as a Roman Emperor from 280 to 337 AD. Notably, Constantine openly adhered to the worship of a pagan SUN deity identified as Invictus/Mithra/Apollo, with parallels to Tammuz or Baal, the sun god. This deity was associated with a birthday celebration on December 25th. In an effort to consolidate all religions and pagan practices in the Roman Empire, Constantine, in 325 AD, issued a DECREE designating "SUN-DAY" as a DAY OF REST. Combining ancient pagan customs from Babylon with his rebranded pagan belief system called "Christianity," Constantine aimed to unify Rome, leading to the formulation of the Edict of Milan. This edict, signed by Constantine and Licinius, declared religious toleration throughout the Roman Empire. Issued shortly after the persecution of the Hebrew people by Emperor Diocletian, the edict reflected Constantine's belief that merging his revamped pagan religion would unite adherents of various faiths, including followers of YaHuWaH.

The Edict of Milan was a proclamation issued in 313 CE by the Roman Emperors Constantine I and Licinius. This edict is historically significant for its role in granting religious tolerance and freedom to all religions within the Roman Empire, ending the persecution of Christians. The Edict of Milan came about during a period of political change and conflict within the Roman Empire. Constantine, who had recently become the Western Roman Emperor, and Licinius, the Eastern Roman Emperor, issued the edict as a joint declaration. The edict aimed to restore religious harmony and eliminate religious persecution that had been prevalent under previous emperors.

Key points of the Edict of Milan include:

  1. Religious Tolerance: The edict proclaimed religious tolerance and freedom for all religious groups within the Roman Empire. It ensured that individuals could practice their chosen religions without fear of persecution.

  2. Return of Confiscated Property: Christians, who had faced persecution and the confiscation of their property under previous emperors, were granted the right to reclaim their confiscated assets.

  3. Restoration of Christian Worship: The edict specifically addressed the Christian community, allowing Christians to worship openly and rebuild their places of worship, which had been damaged or destroyed during periods of persecution.

The Edict of Milan played a significant role in the history of Christianity, marking a turning point in the relationship between the Roman state and the Christian religion. It contributed to the eventual establishment of Christianity as a favored and later the official religion of the Roman Empire. The edict helped pave the way for the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, where theological issues within Christianity were addressed, further shaping the development of the organized Christian religion.



In an effort to enhance religious unity, Constantine gathered the Council of Nicaea, aiming to establish a universal doctrine. This event marked the inaugural "Ecumenical Council" of the Catholic Church, with "Catholic" denoting "universal" in Greek. Bishops from diverse polytheism pagan backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures convened under Constantine's directive to deliberate on various matters. Among the topics discussed were the establishment of a consistent date for Easter, the formulation of the trinity doctrine, and the creation of an entirely new deity for his empire, intended to unite all pagan religious factions under one banner.

The doctrine of the Trinity (early 13c) is the Christian understanding of God as Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit existing in unity, is a complex theological concept. The formal articulation of the Trinity took time to develop and became a significant aspect of Christian doctrine. The concept of the Trinity was not explicitly and systematically articulated in the New Testament, which contains the foundational texts of Christianity. The early Christians grappled with the nature of God and the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. While these councils and creeds played a crucial role in the formulation of Trinitarian doctrine, it's important to note that the understanding of the Trinity continued to develop over subsequent centuries. The precise language and theological nuances were the subject of further discussions and debates. Early Christians did hold a belief in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but the explicit and systematic formulation of the Trinity, as expressed in later creeds, evolved as the Christian community sought to articulate and defend its understanding of God's nature. The formal articulation of the Trinity took place in later centuries through the formulation of creeds during ecumenical councils, such as the Council of Nicaea (325 CE) and the Council of Constantinople (381 CE).

Key developments in the formulation of Trinitarian doctrine include:

New Testament Period:

  • The New Testament contains various references to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but the explicit formulation of the Trinity as understood in later Christian theology is not present.

First Council of Nicaea (325 CE):

  • The Council of Nicaea was convened to address the theological challenge posed by Arianism, a belief system that questioned the full divinity of Jesus Christ. The Nicene Creed, formulated at this council, affirmed the divinity of Jesus as "of one substance with the Father."

First Council of Constantinople (381 CE):

  • The Council of Constantinople expanded on the Nicene Creed and affirmed the divinity of the Holy Spirit. The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, which is commonly recited in Christian liturgy, further clarified the Trinitarian nature of God.

Athanasian Creed (5th Century):

  • The Athanasian Creed, traditionally attributed to Athanasius but likely written later, provides a more detailed and explicit exposition of the doctrine of the Trinity. It emphasizes the equality of the three persons and their shared essence.

The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, which emerged from these councils, provides a foundational statement on the Trinitarian nature of God and is commonly recited in Christian liturgy. During these councils, presbyters (religious elders or ministers) were tasked with deliberating and determining the identity of their new deity. Delegates engaged in debates, putting forth personal arguments for the inclusion of specific writings that highlighted the virtues of their chosen deity. The assembly witnessed passionate discussions among factions, and the names of 53 gods were brought forward for consideration. "At this point, the council had not yet selected a god, prompting them to conduct a ballot to decide the matter. The balloting persisted for one year and five months..." (reference: God's Book of Eskra, translation by Prof. S.L. MacGuire, Salisbury, 1922, chapter xlviii, paragraphs 36, 41).


At the end of that time, Constantine returned to the gathering to discover that the presbyters had not agreed on a new deity but had balloted down to a short list of five prospects: Caesar, Krishna, Mithra, Horus, and Zeus (Historia Ecclesiastica, Eusebius, c. 325). Constantine was the ruling spirit at Nicaea and he ultimately decided upon a new god for them, and a so-called savior, Christ Jesus. Since Constantine was deep into pagan SUN worship (like the Egyptians) this ideology was then taken and spread all throughout the earth. Since we know the English word “Christ” is just a title, this is why history records many various cultures having Christ’s. They have all taken the same pagan template and just recycled it.

DaBaRiYM 6:1-4 “Deuteronomy”

1 Now these are the commandments, the statutes, and the judgments, which YaHuWaH your God commanded to teach you, that ye might do them in the land whither ye go to possess it:

2 That thou mightest fear YaHuWaH thy God, to keep all his statutes and His commandments, which I command thee, thou, and thy son, and thy son's son, all the days of thy life; and that thy days may be prolonged.

3 Hear therefore, O Israel, and observe to do it; that it may be well with thee, and that ye may increase mightily, as YaHuWaH God of thy fathers hath promised thee, in the land that floweth with milk and honey.

4 Hear, O Israel: YaHuWaH our God is one (H259 as an ordinal first, only, once, once for all) YaHuWaH:

The Hebrews of the ToRaH understood that it was a commandment to acknowledge the oneness of their Creator, YaHuWaH, and that He was singular and not a triune entity. The concept of the Trinity, as it is formally articulated in later Christian theology, is not found in the beliefs and lifestyle of the ancient Hebrews as recorded in the Hebrew ToRaH (aka Old Testament). The Hebrew ToRaH, a sacred and foundational text by the religion of Christianity, emphasizes the oneness of the Creator without providing explicit formulations of a Trinitarian understanding (Deuteronomy 6:1-4 and Isaiah 42:8). In summary, the ancient Hebrews, as reflected in the Hebrew ToRaH, did not have a Trinitarian understanding of their God YaHuWaH. The concept of the Trinity developed within the context of early Christian theology, and it became a distinctive element of Christian doctrine.

TOP 10 Dying and Rising Gods before the birth of Jesus Christ


There are many so-called “saviors” from different time periods that all take from the Solar Messiahs / celestial bodies’ pagan worship template. All these false Christs are based on Astrolatry and DO NOT originate with the Creator’s chosen people, the Hebrews of the Old Testament. Historical research uncovers that at the Council of Nicaea the Roman Catholic Empire mimicked the ancient pagan sun god worshipers and re-birthed various flavors of their solar religion (based on the movement of the sun and stars) and Christianity being their most dominant.

We have said many times before that everything has an origin, and since we know Empower Constantine practiced sun worship openly (like the Ancient Egyptians), these customs continued when he created the pagan organized religion of Christianity. From a method to determine the time to a portal to the afterlife, Sirius and Orion were very important to the Ancient Egyptians. The Ancient Egyptians believed that Sirius and Orion were the mighty god Isis and Osiris and associated their gods with the stars in the sky.

History tells us the Ancient Egyptians believed that Orion’s Belt and Sirius were Osiris and Isis’s and were visual presentations of their belief. The Ancient Egyptian civilization also believed that Osiris and Isis sent their emissaries from Sirius and Orion to bring them a fortune and to boost their lands’ fertility and wealth. This is perhaps one of the main reasons why the builders of the pyramids decided to recreate the constellation on the planet’s surface. If we look at the three main stars of the constellation and then look at Giza’s pyramids, we will notice a striking resemblance. Ancient Egyptians created their calendar in accordance with Sirius. The night sky was different several thousand years ago. We are unfortunate enough to see far too few stars in the night sky due to the increased air pollution. Once upon a time, the sky was a sight of wonders.

orions belt.JPG

As you probably know, Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, and the Egyptians knew that. However, its importance was far more significant as it was their way to determine the beginning of their new year. Far more curious is the fact that the Egyptian calendar had 365 days. They believed that there was an after-life kingdom located around Orion’s Belt in the sky. According to ancient texts, the Egyptians believed that Orion could be a portal to a heavenly kingdom for the afterlife. Historians believe that this is the main reason behind the creation of the Pyramids of Giza, they were to transport the dead pharaoh’s soul to the gods.

These pagan beliefs have been passed on from generation to generation and adopted by various cultures and religions (concluding Christianity). On December 24 (the winter solstice) the three stars (in ancient times aka the 3 kings) in orion’s belt follow the brightest star Sirius to the place of the sunrise (the birth of the sun) on December 25th. This is why it is said that the 3 kings followed the star in the East. The Ancients believe that from December 1 to December 22 was the death of the sun, since the sun slowly begins descending and is at its lowest point on December 22. During December 22-24 the sun stops moving south and pauses for 3 days (at its lowest point). During these three days, the sun is in close proximity to the southern cross or crux (a constellation). On December 25th the sun moves up or rises North 1 degree which foreshadowed warmer and longer days to come. The Virgin Mary is the constellation Virgo (in Latin means “the virgin”). The Ancient glyph for Virgo is the altered “M”, this is why the virgin Mary, Myrrha (Greek God Adonis mother), and Maya (Buddha’s mother) all begin with an “M”.

solar cross.JPG

So the story goes the sun died on a cross, was dead for three days, and rose or resurrected on the 3rd day.

Stars, meteors, and heavenly lights allegedly signaled the birth of many man-gods, including Christ, Yu, Lao-tzu, various Roman Caesars, and Buddha (see Gillooly). This parallels the strange and fantastic events that surround the births of purely mythological figures, such as Osiris in Syria, Trinity in Egypt, and Mithra in Persia. The virgin birth, and reverence and obsession with virginity, was a common theme in ancient pagan religions before the time of Jesus Christ and near where Christianity originated (see “The Ancient Beginnings of the Virgin Birth Myth,” by Keyser). It marked the child as special, often divine.

Let’s look at a few of these popular solar messiahs / pagan demigods

Webster’s definition of demigod

1: a mythological being with more power than a mortal but less than a god

2: a person so outstanding as to seem to approach the divine










Carried the titles "LAMB OF GOD" / "THE LIGHT"




As Osiris, Horus’ father, was dying, Isis breathed life into Osiris’ phallus (penis) and then conceived a child. Other sources say that Isis brought Osiris back to life and then they conceived Horus sexually. Although Horus was NOT conceived by a virgin, Horus did perform miracles, as would be expected of any self-respecting god of his era. But miracle workers, as seen already, were commonplace according to the oral and written accounts of life in the ancient world.

Horus was never baptized The majority of the Egyptian legends regarding Horus recount that he did not die between thieves. He didn’t die at all, instead becoming merged, as it were, with the sun god Ra, allowing him to be reborn or resurrect each day at sunrise. None of these titles are in Egyptian history, but Horus is called by several names you might expect for any god in mythology: “Great God”, “Chief of the Powers”, “Master of Heaven”, and “Avenger of His Father”. Horus had only four disciples (called ‘Heru-Shemsu’). Horus certainly performed miracles (he was, after all, described as a god). But there was no mention of exorcizing demons, raising people from the dead, or walking on water.

Virgin Birth:

  • Claim: Both Jesus and Horus are said to have been born to virgin mothers.

  • Context: While the New Testament describes the virgin birth of Jesus, the accounts of Horus' birth vary in different ancient Egyptian texts, and not all versions involve a virgin birth.

12 Disciples:

  • Claim: Jesus and Horus are said to have had twelve disciples or followers.

  • Context: The idea of Jesus having twelve disciples is based on the Gospels, while the concept of Horus having twelve followers is not well-supported by ancient Egyptian texts.

Crucifixion and Resurrection:

  • Claim: Some assert that both Jesus and Horus underwent a death, burial, and resurrection.

  • Context: The resurrection of Jesus is a central tenet of Christianity, but the details and interpretations surrounding Horus' death and resurrection are not as clearly defined in ancient Egyptian mythology.


  • Claim: Both figures are attributed with performing miracles.

  • Context: Miraculous deeds are commonly associated with many religious and mythical figures, and specific details vary widely.


AMENKEPT - Two thousand years before Christ

BORN OF A VIRGIN - Egyptian queen Mut-em-ua was impregnated the god Kneph by simply holding a cross, the symbol of life, to her mouth.

ADORED BY 3 KINGS - who offered him gifts







There was a five-day festival in honor of Attis in which the fourth day was where his rebirth, or resurrection, was celebrated, but it does not specify how long Attis was dead until he was reborn.

Nana was a Naiad Nymph of the Phrygian River Saggarios. She was accidentally impregnated by an almond that fell into her lap from a tree that had from the genitals of Agdistis. (Source: Pausanias, Guide to Greece – Greek Geography C2nd AD)

“The gods, fearing Agdistis, cut off the male organ. There grew up from it an almond tree with its fruit ripe, and a daughter of the river Sangarios, they say, took the fruit and laid it in her bosom, when it at once disappeared, but she was with child. A boy [Attis] was born, and exposed, but was tended by a he-goat.” – Pausanias, Guide to Greece 7.17.8

Attis born by Nana impregnated by an almond fallen from a tree that was germinated from the severed genitals of Agdistis (Pausanias 7.17.8)

Death and Resurrection:

  • Claim: Both Jesus and Attis are said to have experienced death and resurrection.

  • Context: The details and interpretations of the death and resurrection narratives for Jesus are central to Christian theology. In the case of Attis, the myth involves his death and subsequent resurrection, often symbolizing the cycle of nature.

Sacred Tree:

  • Claim: Both figures are associated with a sacred tree.

  • Context: In some versions of the Attis myth, he is associated with a pine tree, particularly in the Attis cult in Phrygia. This has been compared to the cross in Christian tradition.

Castration and Mutilation:

  • Claim: Attis is said to have castrated himself, and this has been paralleled with the crucifixion of Jesus.

  • Context: The castration of Attis is a distinctive element of his myth, symbolizing both life and death. While there are superficial similarities to the crucifixion, the theological and symbolic contexts differ.





It has been said that from birth, Krishna exhibited great powers. Once when his father was carrying him, the baby Krishna dipped his foot in the waters of a raging river. The waves parted, allowing Vasudeva to cross.

The Websters 1988 Second Edition Dictionary


Virgin Birth:

  • Claim: Both Jesus and Krishna are said to have been born to virgin mothers.

  • Context: While the virgin birth is a central element in the Christian narrative of Jesus' birth, Krishna's birth involves the divine impregnation of his mother, Devaki. The specifics of the virgin birth concept differ.


  • Claim: Both figures are associated with performing miracles.

  • Context: Miraculous deeds are often attributed to religious and mythical figures across various traditions. Specific details of the miracles attributed to Jesus and Krishna vary widely.

Crucifixion-Like Motif:

  • Claim: Some assert parallels between Jesus' crucifixion and a narrative in which Krishna is struck in the foot by an arrow.

  • Context: The events surrounding Jesus' crucifixion are central to Christian theology. In Hindu tradition, the episode involving Krishna and the arrow is not equivalent to a crucifixion but is interpreted in different ways.

Teaching Morality and Love:

  • Claim: Both Jesus and Krishna are regarded as moral teachers emphasizing love and compassion.

  • Context: While both figures are associated with teachings on morality and love, the specifics of their ethical teachings differ based on the religious traditions in which they are situated.







In the role of a wine god, in myths, Dionysus was said to perform various miracles in connection with grapevines and wine. This is said to happen in the spring when Dionysus returns from the underworld and the grape vines bud and flower. Dionysus—under the name Zagreus—was the son of Zeus by his daughter Persephone. At the direction of Hera, the infant Zagreus/Dionysus was torn to pieces, cooked, and eaten by the evil Titans. But his heart was saved by Athena, and he (now Dionysus) was resurrected by Zeus through Semele.

1987 American Heritage Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary


Transformation of Water into Wine:

  • Claim: Both Jesus and Dionysus are said to have transformed water into wine.

  • Context: In the New Testament, Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine is recorded in the Gospel of John. In Greek mythology, Dionysus is associated with wine, but the direct transformation of water into wine is not a prominent theme in Dionysian myths.

Death and Resurrection:

  • Claim: Both figures are associated with death and resurrection motifs.

  • Context: The death and resurrection of Jesus are central elements in Christian theology. Dionysus is often linked to themes of death and rebirth, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life, but the specific details differ.

Sacred Meal/Ritual Feast:

  • Claim: Both Jesus and Dionysus are associated with a sacred meal or ritual feast.

  • Context: The Last Supper in Christian tradition is a significant event involving a ritual meal, and it is central to the Christian sacrament of the Eucharist. Dionysus is associated with rituals involving feasts and wine, but the nature of the rituals differs.

THE Symbolism of Blood:

  • Claim: Both figures are linked to symbolism involving blood.

  • Context: The symbolism of blood in Christian theology is associated with Jesus' sacrificial death for the forgiveness of sins. Dionysus is sometimes associated with the idea of blood as a life force, but the theological contexts differ.





BORN ON DEC. 25TH (Encyclopedia Britannica)





No ancient source gives such a birth myth for Mithras. Rather Mithras is always described as born from solid rock.

No ancient source records that Mithras died, still less that he did so on a cross.

1987 American Heritage Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary


Encyclopedia Britannica


The Websters 1988 Second Edition Dictionary



Both Mithras and Jesus Christ were described variously as ‘the Way,’ ‘the Truth,’ ‘the Light,’ ‘the Life,’ ‘the Word,’ ‘the Son of God,’ ‘the Good Shepherd.’ The Christian litany to Jesus could very easily be an allegorical litany to the sun-god. Mithras is often represented as carrying a lamb on his shoulders, just as Jesus. Midnight services were found in both religions.

Birth from a Virgin:

  • Claim: Both Jesus and Mithra are said to have been born to virgin mothers.

  • Context: While the virgin birth is a central element in the Christian narrative of Jesus' birth, Mithra's birth is often depicted as emerging from a rock or a cosmic egg. The specifics of the virgin birth concept differ.

December 25th Birth:

  • Claim: Both figures are associated with a birthdate of December 25th.

  • Context: While the birthdate of Jesus is traditionally celebrated on December 25th in many Christian traditions, the association of Mithra with this date is more complex. Mithraic festivals were associated with the sun's position, but direct parallels are debated among scholars.

Death and Resurrection:

  • Claim: Both figures are associated with death and resurrection motifs.

  • Context: The death and resurrection of Jesus are central elements in Christian theology. Mithra is sometimes linked to a mythic battle and cosmic events, but the specific details of death and resurrection differ.

Symbolism of Bread and Wine:

  • Claim: Both Jesus and Mithra are associated with symbolism involving bread and wine.

  • Context: In Christian tradition, the Eucharist involves the consumption of bread and wine, symbolizing the body and blood of Christ. Mithraic rituals included a symbolic meal, but the theological contexts differ.















Existence of Jesus:

  • Claim: Jesus of Nazareth was a historical figure who lived in the 1st century CE.

  • Historical Evidence: While there is no direct contemporary documentation of Jesus outside of Christian texts, many scholars consider the accounts in the Christian New Testament Gospels, along with some references by Roman historians like Tacitus and Jewish historian Josephus, as evidence for the historical existence of Jesus.

Teachings and Miracles:

  • Claim: Jesus was a teacher who conveyed moral and spiritual teachings and performed miracles.

  • Historical Evidence: The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) provide accounts of Jesus' teachings and miracles. Scholars analyze these texts, considering historical context, literary forms, and consistency across different accounts.


  • Claim: Jesus was crucified under the Roman governor Pontius Pilate.

  • Historical Evidence: The crucifixion of Jesus is widely regarded as historical among scholars. References in the Gospels, as well as some non-Christian sources like Tacitus and Josephus, contribute to the historical understanding of Jesus' crucifixion.


  • Claim: Jesus rose from the dead three days after his crucifixion.

  • Historical Evidence: The resurrection is a central tenet of the Christian faith, and the primary evidence comes from the Gospel accounts. Historical analysis varies, with some scholars viewing the resurrection as a matter of faith rather than verifiable historical fact.

Early Christian Movement:

  • Claim: The early Christian movement emerged after Jesus' death, centered on his teachings and resurrection.

  • Historical Evidence: The growth of the early Christian community is documented in the Christian New Testament, as well as in some non-Christian sources. Letters (Epistles) written by Paul and other early Christian leaders provide insights into the development of Christian beliefs and practices.

Apart from the Christian New Testament, there are a few non-Christian sources from the ancient world that make references to the existence of Jesus or early Christian communities. However, it's important to note that these references are relatively limited, and the majority of what we know about Jesus comes from Christian texts. Here are some non-Christian sources that mention Jesus:

Tacitus (Roman Historian, 56–120 CE):

  • Tacitus, a Roman historian, mentions Jesus in his work "Annals" (written around 116 CE). He refers to Jesus in the context of the fire that swept through Rome in 64 CE and how Emperor Nero blamed Christians for it. Tacitus describes Jesus as a historical figure who was executed during the reign of Tiberius under the governorship of Pontius Pilate.

Josephus (Jewish Historian, 37–100 CE):

  • Flavius Josephus, a Jewish historian, makes two references to Jesus in his works. The more widely accepted reference is found in "Antiquities of the Jews" (written around 93–94 CE), where he mentions Jesus as a wise man and the brother of James, stating that he was known for his virtuous life and was crucified by Pilate.

Pliny the Younger (Roman Governor, 61–113 CE):

  • Pliny the Younger, a Roman governor, wrote to Emperor Trajan around 112 CE seeking guidance on how to deal with Christians. His letter acknowledges the existence of Christians and their worship of Christ.

Suetonius (Roman Historian, 69–122 CE):

  • Suetonius, another Roman historian, makes a brief reference to a figure named Chrestus in his work "Lives of the Caesars" (written around 121 CE). Some scholars argue that this may be a reference to disturbances among Jews in Rome related to the preaching of Christ.


Although there is historical evidence substantiating specific aspects of Jesus' (YaHaWaShi, YaHuWShuWA, YeShuWA, etc.) and his life, the majority of this evidence is derived from the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) found in the Christian New Testament or from Romans who either adhered to sun worship or followed the teachings of Jesus. It is essential to recognize that the Roman Empire, being primarily a polytheistic civilization, acknowledged and worshipped numerous gods and goddesses.

Aside from the Roman and Jewish historical references, there is limited mention of Jesus in the writings of other cultures from his time. Jesus was a relatively obscure figure during his lifetime, and the primary sources about him come from later Christian traditions. Therefore, direct references to Jesus in contemporaneous non-Christian sources are scarce.

Some cultures and religions may have encountered early Christian communities and learned about Jesus through trade, travel, or cultural exchange. However, explicit mentions of Jesus in the surviving records of these cultures are minimal. The emphasis on Jesus as a central religious figure emerged within the context of Christianity. It's important to note that Jesus (YaHaWaShi, YaHuWShuWA, YeShuWA, etc.) and early Christianity gained significant prominence in later centuries, primarily through the spread of the Christian faith. As a result, discussions about Jesus became more widespread in various cultures, but these discussions were often filtered through the lens of Christian interpretation.

In summary, while Jesus may have indirectly influenced various cultures through the spread of Christianity, direct mentions of him in the writings of other contemporary cultures are not prevalent in historical records. Most accounts of Jesus come from Christian texts and later historical interpretations.

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If JC is NOT a demigod but fully a god (like this article points out), this goes directly against the Creator YaHuWaHs words! This type of man god mindset is a Roman ancestral pagan 101 god worship.

ShaMuWTh 20:3-5 “Exodus”

Thou shalt have NO other gods before me.

Thou shalt NOT make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Thou shalt NOTbow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I YaHuWaH thy ALuWaH am a jealous ALuWaH, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that HATE me;

YaShAYaHuW 42:8”Isaiah”

I am YaHuWaH: that is my name: and my glory WILL I NOT give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

YaShAYaHuW 43:10-11”Isaiah”

10 Ye are my witnesses, saith YaHuWaH, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no ALuWaH formed, neither shall there be after me.

11 I, even I, am YaHuWaH; and beside me there is NO SAVIOR.

YaShAYaHuW 49:26 ”Isaiah”

26 And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I YaHuWaH am thy SAVIOR and thy REDEEMER, the mighty One of Jacob.

Various other demigods who the same characteristics in common

1. Achilles - Legendary as ‘The Trojan Hero’, one of the demigods, he was the son of Peleus, king of Myrmidons, and a sea nymph named Thetis. He is famous in Greek mythology for his brave acts during the Trojan war.

2. Aeacus - He is the son of Aegina and the God of Greek, Zeus. He is the powerful king of Aegina island, an island that is named after his mother. He judges the dead for their wrongs and goods in the underworld with Rhadamanthus and Minos.

3. Aeneas - He is the son of Aphrodite and Anchises. He was one of the major players in the battle of Troy along with his cousin Hector. According to several other sources and myths, he was then made the leader of Trojan survivors after the end of the war.

4. Amphion - He is the son of Antiope and Zeus. He is believed to have built Thebes with Zethus, his twin brother. According to popular legends, he killed himself after he lost his wife and children.

5. Agenor - He was one of Poseidon’s many children. He was the king of Tyre and a Phoenician. His sons were ancestors of Theban kings, Cilician kings, and Pho, Phoenician kings.

6. Arcas - He is the son of Arcas and Callisto. There is a whole country named after him. He was one of the greatest hunters alive in his time. In addition to being a demigod, he is also said to have taught his people how to weave and make bread.

7. Asclepius - He was the son of Coronis of Lapiths and Apollo. Born as a demigod, he was given by Apollo to Chiron centaur to raise after his mother was shot by Apollos’s sister Artemis.

8. Belus - He was the direct descendant of the river god Inachus and the son of Libya and Poseidon. He was the king of Libya, a kingdom that he named after his mother and Egypt.

9. Cadmus - He is the son of Poseidon and is considered to be the first recorded demigod of Greek Mythology.

10. Castor and Pollux - He was one of the twin sons of Zeus and Leda. Together with his twin brother Leda, they were known as the Dioskouroi. While Castor was the son of a mortal man Tyndareus, Leda was the son of Zeus.

11. Chrysaor - He was the son of Poseidon and Medusa and the human brother of Pegasus. Though little is known about him, he was said to be a solid-hearted warrior.

12. Cycnus - He was the son of Pelopia and Ares. He was a bloodthirsty and brutal man who killed all his guests. He was ultimately slain by Heracles.

13. Dardanus - He is the son of Electra and God Zeus. He was married to Bataea who was the daughter of King Teucer who ruled over people later known in mythology as Trojans. He founded a city and named it after himself. Later, this city became Troy which was the name of his grandson.

14. Dionysus - He is the son of God Zeus and Semele. He is one of the youngest as well as the last god to be accepted into St. Olympus. He is famous as the god of fertility, winemaking, and grapes.

15. Epaphus - He is the son of God Zeus and Lo. He is also famous as King of Egypt. Conceived due to the touch of Zeus’s hand, many legends state that he is also the founder of Memphis in Egypt.

16. Heracles - He is also the son of Alcmene and God Zeus. Considered to be one of the greatest Greek heroes and one of the most powerful demigods of all time, he is famous for his masculinity, strength, and courage. He was a terrible enemy and a great friend. He was not very patient or intelligent and was prone to extreme temper flares.

17. Lacedaemon - He is the son of Taygete and God Zeus. According to mythology, he is the famed king of Laconia and the father of Spartan King Amyclas.

18. Minos - Son of God Zeus and Europa, he was king of Crete. After his death, he became a judge in the notorious underworld.

19. Memnon - He is the son of Tithonus and Eos. Memnon was an Ethiopian king who was said to be as skilled as Achilles. It is said that Zeus was deeply hurt after his death and hence granted immortality to him.

20. Neleus - He was the son of Tyro and Poseidon. Since he was born out of wedlock, he was raised by a maid after his mother exposed him to a mountain. He fought with his brother for Iolcus crown but was defeated and banished to Messenia where he became the king of Pylos.

21. Orion - He was the son of Eurale and Poseidon. He was believed to be one of the greatest huntsmen of his time but died due to a bow of Artemis. Later, Zeus sent him to the heavens.

22. Orpheus - This Greek demigod was the son of Apollo and Calliope. He was a great poet and musician. His music even took him to the Underworld where he went to save his loved one, whose name was Eurydice. In fact, the divinity in his music is said to even charm the lions, tigers, and even the stones. The music from his lyre was so beautiful that it could summon fishes from water, charm the bids from the skies, and coax the stones and trees into dancing.

23. Pelias - He was the son of Poseidon, the sea god, and Tyro. He was the king of Iolcus of Thessaly.

24. Perseus - He is the son of Zeus and Danae. He is believed to have killed the evil Gorgon Medusa. He was a powerful and smart demigod who established the Mycenae kingdom. In addition, he also founded the Perseid empire of Danaans.

25. Pirithous - He was the son of Zeus and Dia. He tried to take away Persephone with Theseus for which he was detained by Hades.

26. Polydorus - This demigod was the eldest son of Harmonia and Cadmus. He was also the king of Thebes.

27. Rhadamanthus - This demigod son of Zeus and Europa was the third judge of the Underworld of dead.

28. Sarpedon - This demigod was the son of Zeus and Europa. According to legends, he fought bravely from the Greek side in the Trojan war.

29. Theseus - This demigod was the son of Aethra, Aegeus, and Poseidon. He was a great reformer and was considered to be wise and powerful. Legends consider him to be the founder king of Athena. He is said to have killed several villains during his lifetime. However, the most famous and greatest triumph of his includes the killing of the Minotaur owned by King Minos. He was later treacherously murdered by king Lycomede.

30. Tityos - He was the son of Zeus, Gaea, and Elara. It is said that Zeus hid his mother Elara underground. However, he grew very big in size and eventually tore her womb. Among the top names on the list of Greek Gods.

31. Zethes - He was the son of the Greek God of cold winter, Boreas, and King Erechtheus of Athens' daughter, Oreithyia. Collectively with his brother Calais, they were famous as the Boreads.

32. Zethus - He was the son of Zeus and Antiope. His brother was Amphion who founded Thebes.

With all these other historical so-called “Christs” having so much in common, this is a big red flag. History records so many other false Christs were born from a so-called virgin, however, when we take a look a the YaShAYaHuW (Isaiah) Hebrew scroll (which precedes ALL Westernized, English-translated bibles) we see it DOES NOT say virgin at all. This is a highly known Greek mistranslation of the Hebrew script among scholars. This premise ALL stems from the Roman Catholic Churches' pagan SUN god worship customs (NOT Hebrew). Since we know Historical records educate us that Christianity (from the Romans) is based on sun / solar worship, the virgin Mary is the constellation Virgo. The Ancient glyph for Virgo is the altered “M”, this is why the virgin Mary, Myrrha (Greek God Adonis mother), and Maya (Buddha’s mother) all begin with an “M”.

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The Greek mistranslation of YaShAYaHuW 7:14 that turned a pregnant young woman into a pregnant virgin is unfortunate. We overstand there are vast contractions between the Hebrew Old Testament and the Christian New Testament thus further proving the religion of Christianity is an eye sore and misrepresentation of YaHuWaHs commandments and chosen people (the Hebrews). Many English translations, misinterpret the way Hebrew Old Testament passages are quoted in the Christia New Testament, insisting that the rendering in the Hebrew (YaShAYaHuW 7:14) is “virgin,” even though it’s clear that the original Hebrew word there means “young woman.” The motivation behind this purposeful mistranslation is to bolster the account in Matthew, reinforcing the European Jesus’ virgin birth. Once again this is the pagan influence that is injected into all English-translated bibles. If we DO NOT make the time to look at the script FROM the perspective of the Hebrews and THEIR culture (NOT European), people WILL be in error (HuWShuWA 4:6 “Hosea”, and YaShAYaHuW 5:13 “Isaiah”).

Isaiah 7:14 King James Version

14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Isaiah 7:14-16 New King James Version

14 Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.

Isaiah 7:14 New Living Translation

14 All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’).

Isaiah 7:14 Amplified Bible

14 Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Listen carefully, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and she will call his name Immanuel (God with us).

Isaiah 7:14 New Living Translation

14 All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’).

Isaiah 7:14 The Message Bible

14 So the Master is going to give you a sign anyway. Watch for this: A girl who is presently a virgin will get pregnant. She’ll bear a son and name him Immanuel (God-With-Us).

Constantine also tasked Babylonian scholars to separate the divinely inspired writings. In the 3rd Century, Eusebeus (a Bishop of Caesarea) was hired by Constantine to make 50 Bibles for him in Latin Vulgate. We can very well assume that all of these men were not inspired by YaHuWaH when translating (NOT transliterating) the Hebrew scriptures. At this point in time, certain plans were in motion to change and to manipulate the truth to forward the agendas of men. Eusebeus used the corrupted Alexandrian Text that had been greatly tampered with by Origen. That is when the Roman Priesthood standardized the name of “Ieosus!” It is the very same Bible we see today translated from HEBREW (ABaRiY / Negro) to Aramaic, to Greek, to Latin, and then to English.

Since there was NO LETTER "J" in the ABaRiY ALaPh-BaT (alphabet), the name evolved from IEOSUS in Greek to IESUS in Latin, then finality to the English and what the world calls on today “JESUS the CHRIST” (Christ or MaShiYaCh in ABaRiY/Hebrew, is just a title and simply means “anointed one”). We know that scripture clearly tells us that we are NOT to ADD or REMOVE from the word, so when Christian theology disobediently changed the identity of the Nation of YiSRAL (the Creator’s true anointed and firstborn son, ShaMuWTh 4:22-23 “Exodus”, HuWShuWA 11:1 “Hosea”, ZaMaR 105:1-15 “Psalm” and ALaPh DaBaR 16:14-22 "1 Chronicle") to a salvific demigod, they violated the commandment of YaHuWaH!


DaBaRiYM 4:2 “Deuteronomy”

2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of YHWH your ALuWHiYM which I command you.


DaBaRiYM 12:31

31 Thou shalt not do so unto YHWH thy ALuWHiYM: for every abomination to YHWH, which he hateth, have they done unto their ALuWHiYM's; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their AuWHiYM's.


MaShaL 30:5-6 “Proverbs”

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.



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Its says in the dictionary that Constantine converted to Christianity, but this is a deception. Those who have studied understand that Christianity is just the name they used to unify ALL pagan worshippers under one banner. The ABaRiY (Negro/Hebrew) people didn't have a religion or organized religion back in ancient times. For them living in ruwach (spirit) and truth was a way of live, and worshiping other false pagan deities was something they know YaHuWaH forbid.

ShaMuWTh 34:14 "Exodus"

14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for YHWH, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous ALuWaH

Erasing the ABaRiY Culture



We must overstand that the Roman Empire had the manuscripts of the Old Testament and very easily knew the prophies that were to come. At this council, it was also decided that the celebration of the original “Hebrew Passover” would be replaced with the resurrection of the pagan goddess of fertility known as “ISHTAR / EASTER. The council also decided what books of Paul and various others that would be canonized in the Christian New Testament. Since Constantine believed that the coming branch of Jesse would be just another incarnation of Tammuz, he had no problem replacing the original Holy Days, Sabbaths, and the Feasts of YaHuWaH with those of HIS SUN god. So therefore Constantine kept ALL the Babylonian pagan rituals and did away with the Hebrew culture altogether. He decreed that ALL the Holy Days, Sabbaths, and the Feasts of YaHuWaH be abolished and that they change all worship days to SUNday (for SUN God worship day), in honor of his pagan God.

This union of paganism/SUN worship with the pure commandments of the YaHuWaH word was re-branded as the organized Babylonian religion of Christianity we see today. Early believers kept Saturday as the Sabbath until March 7, 321 CE when Pope Constantine passed a law requiring believers to worship on Sunday, the day the pagans worshiped the SUN-god. Believers still kept Saturday as the Sabbath until another law was passed eleven years later. This law signed into decree by Pope Constantine forbid believers to worship on the Sabbath (Saturday) and it was punishable by death by the Catholic Church. Many believers were burned to death by the Catholic Church for keeping the Sabbath. Constantine forbids anyone to say the true set-apart name of YaHuWaH and stopped ALL Hebrew culture. Anyone who opposed this decree was ordered to leave, OTHERWISE, they would be killed. Historical research shows that many people (ABaRiY included) went against this pagan decree and fled to other regions (Africa being one).  

"In this Sign We Shal Conquer"


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In AD 312, the Roman Empire is up for grabs. Its previous emperor, Diocletian, divided the realm between two senior and two junior emperors, but the complex arrangement has collapsed. The successors are at one another’s throats. Young general Constantine (son of Constantius, who has yet to create the organized religion of Christianity) has military successes under his belt, but NOW he faces a formidable veteran with a larger army and a better strategic position. 

Constantine sees the image of the Chi and Rho or possibly the southern cross resembling a flaming cross in the sky


Constantine realizes that he needs help from a power greater than himself, but has doubts about the traditional Roman gods, so he prays to his God. On October 28th, 312 AD at the Stone Milvian Bridge near the Tiber River, Constantine’s enemy, Maxentius and his army stood between Constantine and the throne. As Constantine and his troops were greatly outnumbered, tradition says that Constantine saw a vision of a “bright flaming CROSS” (the Chi Rho) in the sky and upon it was the inscription: “In hoc signo vinces” which means, “In this Sign We Shal Conquer.”
From that day forward the sign of the cross and its renown symbol has been used to conquer the world. Constantine won the battle over Maxentius, and indebted to his pagan god for his victory, Constantine commanded that this symbol (eventually Christianity as well) be placed on all the Roman standards and on the shields of all the soldiers. To further commemorate the the Holy Cross, Constantine dedicated two Churches upon Calvary, "Anastasis" and "Golgotha," both within the vicinity of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Constantine decreed that a feast be held annually on May 3, entitled "Exaltation of the Holy Cross". 

A statue of Constantine the Great, the man who made the Roman empire convert to the pagan Christian religion


Greek Chi - Rho


The southern cross / crux

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The southern Cross / crux is NOT a Hebraic symbol. It is a pagan shorthand version of the cross of the Zodiac, representing the 4 seasons, the equinoxes, and solstices.


Catholic IHS

It is extremely common to walk into a Catholic church and see the letters IHS etched on a crucifix or prominently featured in a stained glass window. What do they mean? Contrary to popular belief, the monogram does not stand for “I have suffered,” “Jesus Hominum Salvator” or even “In Hoc Signo.” IHS is more appropriately called a “Christogram,” and is an ancient Roman way of writing the word “Jesus Christ.”

Dating all the way back to the third century, Christians shortened the false name of Jesus by only writing the first three letters of his name in Greek, ΙΗΣ (from his full name ΙΗΣΟΥΣ). The Greek letter Σ (sigma), is written in the Latin alphabet as an “S,” resulting in the monogram being commonly represented as ΙΗS.

In the early centuries of the Church it was a secret symbol, often etched on tombs of Christians. Then in the 15th century, Saint Bernadine of Siena went on a preaching campaign to promote reverence to the “Holy Name” of Jesus and encouraged Christians to put IHS on the doorways of their homes. A century later in 1541 Saint Ignatius adopted the monogram to represent his newly founded order, the Society of Jesus. The symbol now permeates Christian art all over the world.


The statue of Constantine at the Vatican Museum in Rome shows the emperor seeing the cross that appeared to him


Right above the Constantine statue is a cross and the inscription "In hoc signo vinces"


Knights Templar Masonic Ring Cross


A pagan church proudly displays the Chi and Rho on their establishment


Seven - Deadly Revelation - Horror Chat Adventure

This extensive text thriller game features a bone thrilling story line of text dialogues with various characters and boasts of realistic documents, images, videos, and sound effects. Notice the red Chi Rho pagan symbol, the masses once again have no idea what they do!


The New World Encyclopedia educates us in that a Christogram is a combination of letters (a monogram) that forms an abbreviation for the pagan name Jesus Christ. A monogram consists of linking overlapping letters or graphemes to form one symbol. Different types of Christograms are associated with the various traditions of Christianity. However, the most popular Christograms are IHS, INRI, and the Chi-Rho. Each of these Christograms represents Christ, and they are included among the so-called Nomina sacra (Latin: "Sacred names") of Jesus. The Nomina sacra were abbreviated divine titles in early Greek language versions of Jewish and Christian scriptures.


The Labarum (Greek: λάβαρον / láboron) was a Christian imperial standard incorporating the sacred "Chi-Rho" Christogram, which was one of the earliest forms of Christogram used by Christians, becoming one of the most familiar and widely used emblems in Chrisitan tradition. It was adapted by emperor Saint Constantine the Great after receiving his celestial vision and dream, on the eve of his victory at the Milvian Bridge in 313 AD. The Labarum of Constantine was a vexillum that displayed the "Chi-Rho" Christogram, formed from the first two Greek letters of the word "Christ" (Greek: ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ, or Χριστός) — Chi (χ) and Rho (ρ).

Fashioned after legionary standards, it substituted the form of a cross for the old pagan symbols, and was surmounted by a jeweled wreath of gold-containing the monogram of Christ, intersecting Chi (χ) and Rho (ρ); upon this hung a rich purple banner, beset with gold trim and profuse embroidery. The inscription "Εν Τουτω Νικα" (In Hoc Signo Vinces) — "In this sign, conquer" was in all probability inscribed upon the actual standard, although Eusebius mentions that royal portraits of Constantine and his children were integrated. St. Ambrose of Milan later wrote that the Labarum was consecrated by the Name of Christ.


We who are in the truth, who love knowledge and who have made the time to educate ourselves, KNOW that the Heavenly Father and His son have only ONE name, thus these pagan ideologies rebel against the pure ABaRiY scriptures. Once again scriptures tell us to “COME OUT OF HER!”, and her is referring to the whore churches of Babylon (YaRaMiYaHuW 51:45 “Jeremiah” and ChaZaN 18:4 “Revelation”)!

Pagan Wars

The church of the Holy Sepulchre (in Jerusalem), is a church that inspired the construction of Templar places of worship from London to Tomar with its distinctive circular shape. The dome of the Holy Sepulchre also appeared on Templar seals. The Holy Sepulchre was originally built by the Romans after they converted to the pagan religion of Christianity in the early fourth century CE. They believed it was the site of both the crucifixion and the tomb of Jesus. The pagan, Christian, Roman emperor, Constantine, authorized the demolition of a temple to the goddess Venus in order to give respect to the place where the Messiah died to save the sins of humanity. As the temple came tumbling down, a tomb was revealed. All those present decided that it had to be the resting place of the Messiah. The first church erected by Constantine was a richly decorated affair with brilliant mosaics and a garden with the rock of Golgotha as its centerpiece. 

At the time of the Knights Templar, NOT all of Europe was converted to pagan Christianity. Paganism was persistent for centuries after the Romans adopted the cross under Emperor Constantine in the year 313. When Constantine birthed Christianity, it’s estimated about 10% of the population of the empire was on board with the new religion. Many of those were among the elite with local peasant populations holding fast to the old beliefs. The first century of legalization saw pagan and pagan Christians at each other’s throats over what their faith really meant. Questions arose as to if Jesus/YaHaWaShi/YaHuWShuWA/YeShuWA was truly a human. Was he purely spiritual? Could this Jesus really be equal and co-existent with the father? Was there a god of good and a god of evil? Was Jesus the person who was to come to fulfill the prophecy?

Much bloodshed over these types of questions accord, but worse for the new pagan religion of Christianity was that other pagans were not prepared to give up their beliefs quietly. There’s often the impression given that Romans switched peacefully and totally from paganism to the organized paganism "Christianity" overnight. Simply not true. The state had to persuade, coerce and threaten capital punishment to bring over the population across the empire. There were even tax breaks for becoming a Christian priest and career opportunities if you just signed on the dotted line! By the end of the fourth century, an impatient and pious (some might say bigoted) emperor Theodosius began a full-blown initiative to demolish other pagan temples to enforce Christianity. And not just any old version of the faith. He and successive emperors were determined to root out both non-orthodox variants of Christianity and to stamp out the still very prevalent paganism.

And pagans were not just ignorant rustics. There were aristocrats in Rome and philosophers in Athens and Alexandria who found Christianity vapid, illogical, and vulgar. Conservative opinion wanted to retain allegiance to the gods that had brought victory to Rome. They lobbied the emperor strenuously to retain the statue of Victory in the Roman senate. Justinian So resilient was in paganism that by the sixth century after Christ, the emperor Justinian was still trying to stamp out non-belief in his court and empire. He threatened both non-orthodox Christians and pagans with capital punishment. And it was Justinian who shut down the famous Athenian academy that had produced the greatest philosophers humanity has ever known.

 The Red Cross or Constatine



Constantine the Great found the Order of the Red Cross as a memorial to the divine miracle which brought about his conversion to the pagan Christian religion. The Red Cross of Constantine is officially known as The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and St. John the Evangelist. The Red Cross degree traditionally recites the circumstances attending the conversion of Constantine to the pagan Christian religion and his vision of the cross in the heavens in scripted “IN HOC SIGNO VINCES.” It is said that on October 28, 312, Constantine received his vision, and the next day he was victorious. In 313, Constantine’s Order of the Knights of the Red Cross received whole-hearted recognition.

The purpose of Constantine’s orders are to commemorate the first elevation of Christianity from the position of a despised and proscribed heresy to that of a legally recognized and honored religion, to cultivate the social virtues, appeal to the intellectual and moral qualities, preserve as far as possible the customs of the fraternity and bring about good fellowship and understanding between all branches of Masonry.

RCC tjewels.JPG

Knights Companions, the title for members, of the Order meet in Conclaves of the Red Cross of Constantine and a member must be a Royal Arch Mason in good standing and subscribe to a belief in the Christian religion as revealed in the New Testament. Membership is by invitation and each Conclave has a prescribed membership limit.


Red Cross of Constantine West Africa


Red Cross of Constantine New York


Just like the pagan holidays in modern times, it was common for ancient religious beliefs to evolve and merge over time among interconnected cultures. Unlike many ancient religions based on solar worship, the Roman solar cult of Sol Invictus (Latin: the unconquered sun god) was characterized by the core belief in a single, supreme god and his representative, Sol. This cult was a key factor in the rapid rise of Christianity in the late Roman Empire. The origins of the cult in the late 1st century BCE can be traced to the appeal of Mithraism among the military—the result of Roman army's exposure to Persian culture during campaigns in the East. Mithra was a Christ-like, solar deity who was the sole representative of a single, all-powerful God—a new idea for the Romans.

The early Romans initially adopted the earlier Greek Hellenistic religion that incorporated the worship of many deities (Polytheism), including Apollo and Helios—the sun god, who was known to the Romans as Sol. As time passed, Sol eventually took on the combined attributes of Apollo, Helios and Mithra. The early Roman Emperors promoted the rising cult of Sol Invictus with the addition of numerous new temples, statues, rites and festivals created in Sol's name. Like earlier solar deities, Sol's tasks included steering the sun-chariot across the sky each day, a reminder that this cult was a blending of monotheism and earlier paganism.

By promoting the cult and the consolidation of divine power into Sol, Roman emperors were able to please the military and also enhance their own power by identifying Sol as the source of imperial legitimacy; in some cases the emperors were able to promote themselves as the personification of Solon earth. The "ratiate" crown worn by many emperors on their coins' portraits during the 3rd century AD is thought by some historians as alluding to the evolving solar connection to the emperor’s power.

Constantine in the early 4th century advanced the pagan cult of Sol Invictus to the height of its popularity. Among his efforts was the minting of this special coin dedicated to Sol. Constantine also built his famous Arch in Rome, inscribed with several references to Sol Invictus, and positioned it carefully to align with the colossal 100' bronze statue of Sol that adjoined the Coliseum at the time. The rising popularity of Christianity in Rome's rural areas was a factor in Constantine’s later adoption of Christianity as the Empire's official religious—a transition arguably made easier by the preceding, well accepted ideas embodied in and popularized by the cult of Sol Invictus.



Valid sources for information on Emperor Constantine's role in the history of Christianity and organized religion include:

  1. Historical Biographies: Books focusing on the life and reign of Emperor Constantine often discuss his religious policies and their impact. Examples include "Constantine the Great: And the Christian Revolution" by G. P. Baker and "The Conversion of Constantine and Pagan Rome" by Raymond Van Dam.

  2. Historical Accounts: Primary sources from the time period, such as writings by historians like Eusebius of Caesarea, provide insights into Constantine's actions and their religious implications.

  3. Academic Journals: Scholarly journals in the fields of history, religious studies, and classical studies may contain articles discussing Constantine's role in the development of organized religion. Journals such as "Church History" or "The Journal of Early Christian Studies" may have relevant articles.

  4. Online Resources: Websites of reputable academic institutions, such as universities or research centers, often provide access to scholarly articles, books, and primary sources related to Constantine and organized religion.

By consulting these sources, you can obtain reliable information about Emperor Constantine's influence on organized religion and Christianity in particular.

Emperor Constantine's Religious beliefs prior to Christianity

According to historical accounts and Christian tradition, Constantine had a pivotal religious experience before the Battle of Milvian Bridge in 312 AD. He reportedly saw a vision of a cross in the sky with the words "In this sign, conquer" (Latin: "In hoc signo vinces"). Following this vision, Constantine converted to Christianity and attributed his subsequent victory in the battle to the Christian God.

After his conversion, Constantine took steps to legalize and promote Christianity within the Roman Empire. He issued the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, which granted religious tolerance to Christians and ended persecution against them. Constantine also supported the Christian church financially, commissioned the construction of Christian churches, and convened the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD to address theological disputes within the church.

Emperor Constantine's religious beliefs and practices before his reported vision at the Battle of Milvian Bridge are subject to historical debate and interpretation. While there is evidence to suggest that Constantine was exposed to various religious influences, including the traditional Roman religion and the cult of Sol Invictus, the extent of his personal devotion to these beliefs remains unclear.

There are differing scholarly perspectives on Constantine's pre-conversion religious affiliations:

  1. Roger Pearse: Roger Pearse, a scholar of Late Antiquity, suggests that Constantine likely followed the traditional Roman religion before his conversion to Christianity. Pearse notes that Constantine's upbringing in the imperial court and his participation in traditional Roman rituals and ceremonies would have been consistent with the religious practices of his time.

  2. David Potter: David Potter, a historian specializing in Roman history, argues that Constantine's association with the cult of Sol Invictus may have influenced his religious worldview before his conversion to Christianity. Potter suggests that Constantine's patronage of Sol Invictus could indicate a syncretic approach to religion, rather than exclusive devotion to traditional Roman gods.

  3. Paul Stephenson: Paul Stephenson, a historian and expert on Constantine, proposes that Constantine's conversion to Christianity may have been influenced by a combination of personal, political, and strategic factors, rather than a sudden religious revelation. Stephenson suggests that Constantine's vision at the Battle of Milvian Bridge may have been a politically motivated decision to align himself with the growing Christian movement in the Roman Empire.

It's important to note that historical interpretations of Constantine's religious beliefs are based on fragmentary evidence and scholarly analysis. While there are reputable sources that provide insights into Constantine's life and reign, such as contemporary accounts, inscriptions, and archaeological findings, definitive conclusions about his pre-conversion religious practices remain elusive. Constantine's conversion to Christianity is a complex historical event that continues to be studied and debated by historians.

Christianity is the easiest religion to disprove

Tovia Singer shows the changing of Hebrew scripture in the Christian New Testament


Jesus, an Abomination by Any Means… pt 1

A critical view of the difference between YaHuWaH ALuWHiYM and the deity of the Christian New Testament referred to as God with respect to justification of the “ungodly” and/or “wicked.”


The Sword of Division and the Christian Messiah!

A critical view of the difference between the MaShiYaCh of the Hebrew Script and the Christian Messiah found in the Christian New Testament.


Unlearn, Deprogram and Re-think EVERYTHING you were taught!


Once YaHuWaH’s truth is shared in love with someone the Creator hopes they will make an immediate lifestyle change. If that person TRULY loves the Creator, they will make time to validate all His commands against ANY words of those who contradict HIS (NOT make excuses as to how the Creator’s words go against THEIR lifestyle and biblical/scriptural beliefs).

 BaT DaBaR 7:14 “2 Chronicles” Hebrew Bible

14 When my people, who bear MY NAME humble themselves, pray, and seek my favor and TURN from their evil ways; I will hear in my heavenly abode, and FORGIVE their sins, and will heal their land.

 MaKhiYaHuW 6:8 “Micah”

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth YaHuWaH require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy ALuWaH?

ZaMaR 119:10-11 “Psalm”

10 With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.

11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.